Wednesday, November 10, 2004

News From The Right

November 10, 2004


Human Events' Terence Jeffrey on Attorney General John Ashcroft: "When Bush first nominated Ashcroft, Time magazine derided the choice. Said Time: 'The teetotaling son of a famed Pentecostal minister, Ashcroft, a onetime Missouri governor so strict that he refused to dance at his own inaugural ball, is the kind of hard-line conservative who makes liberal toes curl.' Now those liberals better uncurl their toes, get down on their knees, and pray that the next attorney general has the moral courage to ignore them as thoroughly as John Ashcroft did." Read

Judiciary Committee

Cybercast News Service reports that a coalition of anti-abortion groups plans to gather outside the office of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to demand that Sen. Arlen Specter be bypassed as Senate Judiciary Committee chair. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, and Troy Newman, director of Operation Rescue West, are among the protest organizers. Read

The Hoover Institution's Thomas Sowell opposes Sen. Arlen Specter as head of the Judiciary Committee: "Then and now, Senator Specter has been one of those to whom what matters is not a judicial nominee's qualifications but how they are likely to vote on abortion, anti-trust laws, or whatever. Senator Specter is also one of those people who is often wrong but never in doubt. He has mangled the meaning of such basic concepts as "judicial activism" and "original intent." It would be a tragedy for him to become chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he could mangle nominees and in the process mangle the Constitution of the United States." Read

Bush Administration Priorities

Focus on the Family interviewed Tim Goeglein, special assistant to the president and deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, on the “pro-family” initiatives Religious Right supporters can expect from the White House in the next four years. Read

Critics of President Bush’s immigration proposals express dismay that he now seems to be aggressively pushing them. Read

The Washington Times reports that Attorney General John Ashcroft again tries to block Oregon’s assisted suicide law. Read


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