News From The Right
The Washington Times reports that the Bush administration and Republican leaders are signaling that a domestic agenda including a constitutional amendment on marriage will dominate the congressional calendar, even though foreign policy and the war in Iraq dominated the presidential campaign. Read
Congress and the JudiciaryThe Right reacts angrily to comments from Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) regarding the hazards of appointing of judges hostile to Roe v. Wade. Many groups argue that, because of his comments, Specter should not be picked to head the Senate Judiciary Committee. For example, Concerned Women for America asserts that Specter ‘Borked’ himself from Senate Judiciary Committee. Read
The Center for Reclaiming America urges its members to oppose Specter as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee: "It is imperative that these same 'values voters' rise up and prevent Senator Specter from using such a position to muzzle the representative will and mandate of the American people." Read
The editors of the National Review also oppose Specter for Judiciary Committee Chairman: "For the social conservatives who just elected Republicans to office for the very purpose of getting sound judges confirmed, Specter's elevation would not just be a symbolic slap in the face but an actual betrayal. Find the man another sinecure." Read circulates a petition urging the Senate to deny Specter the chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee. Read
The Eagle Forum says: "WE MUST ACT! [Specter's] election as chairman is not a done deal. Members of the Judiciary Committee and the Senate Republican Conference have to vote on electing a chairman. We must let all Republican senators know that a vote for Sen. Specter is unacceptable." Read
Michelle Easton, president of the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute offers advice to the GOP for "carrying out the mandate" of last Tuesday's election. Easton's recommendations include: "school choice for all children," amending Title IX, and ending affirmative action. Read
The president of the Heritage Foundation, Ed Feulner, has some suggestions as well. He calls for the partial privatization of Social Security, standing "firm when it comes to judicial appointments, " and replacing the Medicare Act of 2003 "with an expanded system that empowers individuals and families to make their own health-care decisions, free of government direction." Read
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