Tuesday, October 26, 2004

News From The Right

October 26, 2004

Election 2004: The Jewish Vote

Radio talk-show host Dennis Prager writes that there "are overwhelmingly powerful Jewish reasons to vote for President Bush and equally powerful Jewish reasons not to vote for John Kerry" in that "every American Arab and Muslim group that is anti-Israel is supporting John Kerry." Read

Author Samuel Blumenfeld warns American Jews that voting for John Kerry will aid Israel's enemies: "Israel's enemies want Kerry to win, and that includes Yasser Arafat, plus the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad who said that 'Jews rule the world by proxy.' Iran, the new socialist Spanish government, and the Vietnamese reds want Kerry to win." Read

Jeffrey Epstein, media relations director for Vietnam Veterans for the Truth, continues the group's "unfit to command" branding of Sen. Kerry and urges Jewish Americans to not "betray your president or your people. It is time to cast a decisive vote driven by both intellect and conscience. It is time to vote for the man who stands by We the People, as Americans, and as members of the Jewish community. It is time to stand by George W. Bush." Read


The Washington Post reports on Sinclair Broadcasting, the media company that required its stations to broadcast portions of a documentary critical of John Kerry. Sinclair head David Smith denies having a political agenda in what the Post describes as "a rare, wide-ranging and sometimes feisty and combative interview." Read

Election: Voting Guides

Eagle Forum has provided a list all the candidates endorsed by its PAC. Read



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