Katherine Harris’ former Communications Director goes to Oregon

You may recall the Florida Election of 2000 termed Floridagate. The entire scandel was disguised by a very good and corrupt Communications Director named Rori Smith.
Seems she is back at it again, covering up GOP backed voter fraud and misconduct. Only this time, in Oregon.
A Republican "observation manual" that has been widely leaked, say Republicans are out to suppress turnout in Oregon as a way to help Bush beat his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts. Many believe that the Republicans' main goal is to make people uncomfortable and confused in the election process.
In an interview with Oregon's KGW, Smith tried to convince the public that the Oregon Republicans are acting ethically.
"The voter fraud accusations in Oregon and Nevada have put the GOP on the defensive. The Republican National Committee issued a statement Wednesday that said its party has "a zero-tolerance policy for anything that smacks of impropriety in registering voters." And Rory Smith, a spokeswoman for the Republican Party in Oregon, denounced the alleged misconduct saying, "We do not condone this type of behavior."
Excerpt from KGW article: http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/kgw_101304_news_voter_fraud.2a2c6f98.html
Here is the link short list of voter disenfranchisement and suppression activities conducted by Katherine Harris and her team during Florida's 2000 election: http://democrats.com/display.cfm...
Contact Information for Rori Smith
office phone: 541-944-8779
email: rsmith@orgop.org.
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